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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023, 11(12), 169-171
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-11-12-1
Case Study

Moyamoya Angiopathy Presenting with Cerebrovascular Stroke post-COVID-19 Vaccination

Mohammed Aboelnaga1, , Mahfoud El. Bashari1, Amani Alzaabi1 and Hesham Eissa1

1Zayed Military Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Neurology Department

Pub. Date: December 06, 2023

Cite this paper

Mohammed Aboelnaga, Mahfoud El. Bashari, Amani Alzaabi and Hesham Eissa. Moyamoya Angiopathy Presenting with Cerebrovascular Stroke post-COVID-19 Vaccination. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023; 11(12):169-171. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-11-12-1


Despite being uncommon, thrombotic complications from COVID-19 vaccinations that cause cerebrovascular events have been extensively studied. Moyamoya angiopathy (MMA) is a progressive intracranial vasculopathy that is responsible for causing recurrent strokes. This report analyzes a case of cerebrovascular stroke post-COVID-19 vaccination (inactivated-Sinovac) in a middle-aged Asian female. The patient was administered two doses of Sinovac, followed by one dose of the Pfizer vaccine, which led to the diagnosis of Moyamoya disease. The report aims to study MMA in a patient exhibiting exacerbated symptoms post-vaccination, thereby forming a basis for research regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with pre-existing intracranial vasculopathy. Although such a correlation may not necessarily imply causality, caution must be exercised till future robust observations are obtained, especially considering the possibility of a shared inflammatory pathophysiological foundation between MMA and COVID-19 vaccinations.


moya moya, vaccination, stroke, COVID-19, angiopathy


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