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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023, 11(5), 104-106
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-11-5-6
Case Report

Iatrogenic Rectal Perforation During Urethral Foley Catheterization

Mohammed A. M. El Habiel1, , Mohammed Hidayathullah Khan2 and Javereeya Abduljabbar3

1General Surgery Resident, Tawam Hospital- Al Ain- U.A.E

2Consultant Urology, Tawam Hospital- Al Ain- U.A.Ey

3Urology Resident, Tawam Hospital- Al Ain- U.A.E

Pub. Date: June 29, 2023

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Mohammed A. M. El Habiel, Mohammed Hidayathullah Khan and Javereeya Abduljabbar. Iatrogenic Rectal Perforation During Urethral Foley Catheterization. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023; 11(5):104-106. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-11-5-6


Foley catheterization is a common daily procedure done in our practice. Iatrogenic rectal perforation during urethral Foley catheterization is a very rare complication. There are multiple underlying risk factors that can lead to this devastating complication, including friable rectal tissues due to underlying trauma, radiation. Additionally, the type of Foley catheter and the technique of insertion can lead to this complication. The presentation of the patient is always alarming and can aid in making the diagnosis. The management, always, depends on the whole patient clinical condition, and it ranges from conservative management and changing the catheter under vision, to laparotomy and rectal perforation repair. We are presenting a case report of a comorbid patient suffered this complication in our facility.


iatrogenic, rectal perforation, urethral Foley catheterization


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