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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2014, 2(8), 158-160
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-2-8-4
Case Report

A Case of Hypophosphatemic Rickets with the Secondary Hyperparathyroidism

Barış Sarıakçalı1, Esma Jamaspishvili1, , Mehtap Evran1, Murat Sert1 and Tamer Tetiker1

1Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Adana, Turkey

Pub. Date: August 28, 2014

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Barış Sarıakçalı, Esma Jamaspishvili, Mehtap Evran, Murat Sert and Tamer Tetiker. A Case of Hypophosphatemic Rickets with the Secondary Hyperparathyroidism. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2014; 2(8):158-160. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-2-8-4


Secondary hyperparathyroidism is an unusual complication of hypophosphatemic rickets during the treatment. As there is growing evidence that a high phosphate diet may induce secondary hyperparathyroidism and even tertiary hyperparathyroidism caused by hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands. Serum calcium, phosphate and also parathyroid hormone should be measured regularly to catch the early diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism during the treatment of hypophosphatemic rickets patients, since this stage is reversible with the arrangement of calcitriol and phosphate. We report a case of secondary hyperparathyroidism due to hypophosphatemic rickets patient, under the treatment of regular calcitriol and oral phosphate related to her serum phosphate levels. She had been treated since her childhood ages for growth retardation and bone deformities. She had, subsequently developed significant hyperparathyroidism during follow up.


hypophosphatemic rickets, secondary hyperparathyroidism, hypophosphatemia, phosphate therapy


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