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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016, 4(11), 361-363
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-4-11-3
Case Report

Two Cases of Colon Cancer Patients Who Were Treated with Cetuximab and Presented with Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

Bala Basak Oven Ustaalioglu1, , Recep Ustaalioglu MD2 and Mehmet Yildirim2

1Medical Oncology, Haydarpasa Numune Educatio and Research Hospital

2ThoracicSurgery Siyami Ersek Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

Pub. Date: December 09, 2016

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Bala Basak Oven Ustaalioglu, Recep Ustaalioglu MD and Mehmet Yildirim. Two Cases of Colon Cancer Patients Who Were Treated with Cetuximab and Presented with Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016; 4(11):361-363. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-4-11-3


Objectives: Venous port catheter has been currently used in chemotherapy especially for colon cancer patients. Venous thrombosis related with venous device is frequently reported but superior vena cava syndrome(svc) with high mortality rate is rarely seen as a port catheter related thrombosis. Cetuximab which has been used in metastatic colon cancer is an anti-EGFR agent has shown to be risk factor for venous thromboembolic events. Patients: Inhere we reported 2 metastatic colon cancer patients who had been treated with chemotherapy combined with cetuximab via venous port catheter. Svc was detected in both of them during therapy with cetuximab. None of them had any co-morbidity or tendency for thrombosis. Cetuximab is thought to be increase thrombosis and may cause the svc syndrome. Conclusion: When metastatic colon cancer patients presented with redness and swelling of face while they receiving cetuximab via venous port catheter, other than allergic reaction, superior vena cava syndrome also should keep in mind.


superior vena cava syndrome, port catheter, cetuximab, thrombosis, cancer


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