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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016, 4(8), 288-292
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-4-8-8
Original Research

Halted Progression of Soft Palate Cancer in a Patient Treated with the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Alone: A 20-months Follow-up

Csaba Tóth1 and Zsófia Clemens1, 2,

1Paleomedicina Hungary Ltd, Evolutionary Medicine Working Group, Budapest, Hungary, H-1026 Hidász u. 3/A, Budapest, Hungary

2University of Pécs, Department of Neurology, Pécs, Hungary, H-7623 Rét u. 2, Pécs, Hungary

Pub. Date: September 12, 2016

Cite this paper

Csaba Tóth and Zsófia Clemens. Halted Progression of Soft Palate Cancer in a Patient Treated with the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Alone: A 20-months Follow-up. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016; 4(8):288-292. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-4-8-8


Introduction: Myoepithelial tumor of the soft palate is associated with rapid progression and poor outcome. The standard care includes surgery with optional radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Case report: Here we present a case with myoepithelial tumor of the soft palate where the patient denied conventional treatment options. Instead, the patient started the paleolithic ketogenic diet which resulted in a halted progression of the tumor as evidenced by imaging follow-up. Currently, the patient is on the diet for 20 months, without symptoms and side effects. Conclusion: We conclude that the paleolithic ketogenic diet was effective and safe in this patient.


soft palate tumor, myoepithelial tumor, paleolithic diet, ketogenic diet


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