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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017, 5(3), 77-78
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-5-3-8
Case Report

Granulicatella Elegans Induced Sepsis; A Rare Case of Nutritionally Variant Streptococcal Infection

Ladan Mohammadi1, Noman Ahmed Jang Khan2, and Lavanya Vuppu Panghat2

1Department of Family Medicine, Conemaugh Memorial Medical Hospital, Johnstown, PA, USA

2Department of Internal Medicine, Conemaugh Memorial Hospital, Johnstown, PA, USA

Pub. Date: April 15, 2017

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Ladan Mohammadi, Noman Ahmed Jang Khan and Lavanya Vuppu Panghat. Granulicatella Elegans Induced Sepsis; A Rare Case of Nutritionally Variant Streptococcal Infection. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017; 5(3):77-78. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-5-3-8


Granulicatella genus , a nutritionally mutant variant of viridans streptococci was originally classified as a part of abiotrophia group until 1995 and later in 2000 as a separate genus are considered as a rare cause of blood stream infections. They are part of normal flora of human oral cavity, intestinal and urogenital tracts and are notorious for causing odontogenic infections. We present a rare case of sepsis in a 90 year old male caused by Granulicatella elegans and some of the proposed methods of diagnosis and treatment of this uncommon infection.


granulicatella, streptococci, sepsis


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