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Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 1 (2013)</span>Volume 1 (2013)
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017, 5(6), 163-165
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-5-6-8
Original Research

Changes in Lumbosacral Angles in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Prospective Study

Ali Akbar Esmailiejah1, Mohamad Qoreishy1, , Ali Keipourfard1 and Shahrzad Babaei1

1Bone Joint and Related Tissue Research Center, Akhtar Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Pub. Date: July 15, 2017

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Ali Akbar Esmailiejah, Mohamad Qoreishy, Ali Keipourfard and Shahrzad Babaei. Changes in Lumbosacral Angles in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Prospective Study. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017; 5(6):163-165. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-5-6-8


Objective: A prospective study of several radiographic parameters of sagittal profile of the spine was conducted to determine the clinical values of these parameters. Methods: The lumbar lordotic curve was measured as Lumbar Lordotic Angle (LLA), Lumbosacral Angle (LSA), Sacral Horizontal Angle (SHA) and our suggested new parameter, Lumbar Sagittal Balance Axis (LSBA). We compared the association between LLA, LSA, SHA and LSBA in 100 patients with chronic low back pain (LBP) and 100 control group. Results: LSA was statistically significant in male ones in patients and control group (P=0.0001) but this angle didn’t showed a significant difference without the effect of gender. SHA angle didn’t show any statistical significance in patients with LBP. A significant correlation was observed between LSBA increase and LBP (P=0.001). Conclusion: Measurement of LSAs and LSBAs may provide orthopedic surgeons some appropriate parameters to predict acute to chronic LBP transformation risks.


Lumbar Lordotic Angle, Lumbosacral Angle, Sacral Horizontal Angle, Lumbar Sagittal Balance Axis, Low Back Pain


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