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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017, 5(7), 181-186
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-5-7-4
Original Research

Single and Dual Embryo Transfer, How Far We Are?

Abu Marar E1, and Al-Hasani S2

1IVF Department, Bnoon Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2IVF Consulting, Luebeck, Germany

Pub. Date: August 01, 2017

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Abu Marar E and Al-Hasani S. Single and Dual Embryo Transfer, How Far We Are?. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017; 5(7):181-186. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-5-7-4


Since decades back, specifically since the development of infertility treatment was progressively advancing, the multiple pregnancy is increasing drastically and of the major contributors to this increment is assisted reproductive technology ART, which reflects an increased risk for both mother and fetus other than being a health hazard. We reviewed the literature systematically to explore and compare the dual embryo transfer DET with single embryo transfer SET weather electively or not in more viewpoints like financially, and scientifically and finding out which of these policies may give better outcome by analyzing both in a neutral broad spectrum manner. Our results were given upon some clinical trials, and in part upon other articles found in the literature, but the comparison between all these articles found to be unreliable due to the huge variation between them all, ending up finally that SET has the advantage of minimizing the twinning and multiple pregnancy rate MPR. On the other hand SET has less benefit when compared to DET in the matter of implantation rate IR, ongoing pregnancy rate OPR, but a comparable results may be obtained when applying elective single embryo transfer eSET of frozen-thawed embryo. We concluded that larger clinical trials should still be encouraged for such comparison especially in applying same criteria for both methods.


assisted reproductive technology, twins, single embryo transfer, and double embryo transfer


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