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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2018, 6(5), 87-88
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-6-5-3
Case Report

Rib Fracture due to Severe Cough caused by Pertussis Infection in an Adult

Asad Ullah1, and Zeeshan Khakwani1

1Department of Internal Medicine, Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown, PA, USA

Pub. Date: June 15, 2018

Cite this paper

Asad Ullah and Zeeshan Khakwani. Rib Fracture due to Severe Cough caused by Pertussis Infection in an Adult. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2018; 6(5):87-88. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-6-5-3


A 67 year old man presented with right sided flank pain, flu like symptoms and cough. Initial chest x-ray was unremarkable. Serology was positive for pertussis and a repeat chest x-ray for ribs showed a rib fracture. He received supportive treatment with improvement of his symptoms.


rib fracture, pertussis


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