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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021, 9(1), 88-91
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-9-1-22
Case Report

Re-infusion of High Output Effluent from a Loop Jejunostomy into Its Distal Limb through a Subcutaneously Implanted Catheter: A Case Report

Ognyan Georgiev Milev1,

1Surgical Department, St Petka Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment, 3700 Vidin, Bulgaria

Pub. Date: November 30, 2020

Cite this paper

Ognyan Georgiev Milev. Re-infusion of High Output Effluent from a Loop Jejunostomy into Its Distal Limb through a Subcutaneously Implanted Catheter: A Case Report. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021; 9(1):88-91. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-9-1-22


Diverting jejunostomy is almost always a last ditch effort in a situation of abdominal catastrophe. Although it is life-saving, it may adversely affect the patient’s metabolic status and renal function. Consequentially an emergency jejunostomy should be a temporary measure and should be closed as early as possible. We present a unique case where the creation of а temporary loop jejunostomy was indicated. To prevent acute renal failure, we re-infused the stoma effluent into its distal limb through a Foley catheter. The latter was implanted subcutaneously which allowed us to re-feed the stoma without disturbing the appliance seal. The patient recovered on oral intake without the use of total parenteral nutrition.


jejunostomy, diverting, high output, re-infusion, implanted, catheter


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