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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021, 9(9), 445-450
DOI: 10.12691/AJMCR-9-9-3
Literature Review

Syphilitic Aortitis and Coronary Ostial Stenosis: A Focused Review

David Polman1, Michael Freilich1 and Isabel M. McFarlane1,

1Department of Internal Medicine, State University of New York, Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY 11203, U.S.A.

Pub. Date: May 19, 2021

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David Polman, Michael Freilich and Isabel M. McFarlane. Syphilitic Aortitis and Coronary Ostial Stenosis: A Focused Review. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021; 9(9):445-450. doi: 10.12691/AJMCR-9-9-3


Cardiovascular syphilis is a manifestation of tertiary syphilis, and is one that can have many complications, including syphilitic aortitis. In this review article, we review the epidemiology and pathophysiology of syphilitic aortitis and focus in on one of its complication, coronary ostial stenosis. Next, we will discuss the diagnosis and treatment options for both cardiovascular syphilis as well as coronary ostial stenosis. Finally, we present the findings of case reports in patients who had syphilitic aortitis with coronary ostial stenosis and their outcomes.


tertiary syphilis, cardiovascular syphilis, coronary ostial stenosis, aneurysmal dilatation, periaortic inflammation


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